10 Tips to Heed For a Successful Search

John Krautzel
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Achieving success in your job search takes more than good luck and strong skills. You also need to take the right approach to seeking a new job. Follow these 10 tips to improve your chance of success in your job search.

1. Attitude is everything. When a job search drags on and on without finding anything suitable, it is easy to lose motivation or feel bitter. However, keeping a positive attitude is the most important thing you can do when searching for a job. Interviewers are much more likely to form a positive impression of someone who is optimistic and enthusiastic than a negative, unmotivated person.

2. First impressions count. Interviewers' impressions of you are formed quickly, and once formed, they can be difficult to change. That's why it's so important to always dress smartly and behave professionally when greeting an interviewer; give a firm handshake, make eye contact and smile.

3. Networking is important. Use as many of your contacts as possible to drive forward your job search. Let everyone know you are looking for work, and ask whether they know of any suitable opportunities. You can also attend networking events to meet new contacts in your chosen industry.

4. Not all jobs are advertised. If you know which company you want to work for, don't wait for it to advertise a vacancy. Instead, make a speculative application by getting in touch with the human resources department, or ask a contact at the company to recommend you.

5. Consider startups. Startups and growing businesses are often the best places to find exciting job opportunities. Focus your job search on the hottest young companies in your area to find an interesting position.

6. Know your stuff. Never turn up to an interview without first thoroughly researching the hiring organization. Use the company's website and social media accounts to research its products, ethos and mission statement.

7. Always tailor your resume. Sending out the same resume with every job application is one of the biggest job search mistakes you can make. Always tailor your resume and cover letter so they highlight your suitability for the precise job for which you are applying.

8. Always send a cover letter. Should you send a cover letter with every job application? Absolutely! A cover letter is your opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the role and highlight the key skills that make you the perfect fit.

9. Use social media. Online networking is an excellent way to find out about job opportunities and present yourself as a credible candidate. Set up a LinkedIn profile, if you don't already have one, and make sure you keep it up to date.

10. Switch up your approach. If you are getting nowhere with your job search, you might need to change your approach. For example, if you are having no luck with online networking, you might need to get off the computer and attend some real-life networking events.

Finding a job isn't just about luck. It requires taking active steps toward making yourself the best candidate possible. Using these 10 tips, you can improve your chances of landing a job.


Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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  • Allison T.
    Allison T.

    Thank you for your help
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