4 Ways to Make Resume Writing a Fulfilling Process

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When writing resumes during the job seeking process, does it sometimes feel like you’ve become a robot of sorts? Like you’re simply writing the same resume over and over again without any real meaning behind it? It’s very possible that you could develop a disconnect of sorts between the writing process and the actual meaning behind it if you write and send resumes all day long. So how can you make the resume process as meaningful as it may have been when you first began your job search? Consider the following tips … 1. Remember Why You’re Applying First and foremost, it’s important that you really think about why you’re applying for the position you want. Are you doing it because you love your career and want to further it? Then writing a new resume to pursue employment should make you smile, because with each one sent, you have a renewed opportunity to make your dreams come true. Really think about this as you write to help your positive attitude shine through in your resume. 2. Track Interview Callbacks As you know, the primary purpose of submitting a resume is to have a company take enough interest in you to call you in for an interview where they can learn more. So why not track the interview callbacks you receive after sending off your resumes? This can help you to remember that, with the right amount of effort put forth, a resume actually does provide results. 3. Make Tweaks Along the Way If you track interview callbacks and realize that your resumes just aren’t pulling them in, don’t withdraw from the process. Instead, use this as an opportunity to become even more involved. Make tweaks to your resumes by adding testimonials, changing the format and fonts, and adjusting the wording used to see what hiring managers seem to respond to the most. 4. Consider What the Hiring Manager Is Thinking Another great way to better connect with the process is to consider the process in its entirety. This includes the step when the hiring manager reads the resume. If you were in his or her shoes, what would you want to see? What would bore you to death—or convince you to request an interview with the candidate? Take time to think about what the hiring manager would want. This gives you an opportunity to better discern what should and should not be included in your resume. The key to making the resume process more fulfilling is to truly immerse yourself in it—not just sit back and submit carbon copy resumes that mean little to you. The more entrenched you are in the process, the more likely it is that it will shine through in your resume—and that hiring managers will take note.

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  • Carrie W
    Carrie W
    What can you do to make your resume stand out when you are in the job market after 20+ years of working and you are past 55 years of age.

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