Changing Your Job Search- Making Yourself a Must Hire Part III

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Finding ways to stand out in your job search can take a bit of extra work, but can pay big dividends. In Part I and Part II of this series, we talked about how important it is to change the way you go about looking for your new job.

To continue the series, let's talk about how to stand out online. The workplace is changing and more and more of what we do happens online. So, it stands to reason that you can use the power of the internet to help you find the job that is right for you.

Here are some ways to stand out to employers online:

  • Use social media to find a job- Social media has taken the world and the workplace by storm. Most companies have already formed a strong online presence. Use this to your advantage. If you don't already have a Facebook account for your professional life, take a few minutes and create one. As you fill in your profile information, be sure to write about your professional skills and accomplishments. Add in any details about your education and previous employers.
  • Set up accounts with Twitter and Linkedin- Create a Twitter account using just your professional name. The same goes with Linkedin. Make your profile on both of these networks your resume. Of course, you should exclude any personal contact information aside from your email and other social media accounts. The same goes for the exact contact information of previous employers and personal references. Keep in mind that this version of your resume is going to be visible to anyone who wants to see it. Employers understand that this isn't an official copy of your resume, but rather, more of an advertisement of your qualifications.
  • Make connections with leaders in your industry- If there are people you are aware of who are considered leaders in your industry or people you look up to, find them on Linkedin and Twitter and follow them. Do a search for Linked in groups or Twitter hashtags about jobs in your industry. Also, make a list of companies you would like to work for and find out if they have any human resource representatives on these sites. Most likely, they do. Follow them and check in regularly to see if they Tweet or post any job openings.
  • Participate in discussions about your career field- Any discussions or links to blog articles that are mentioned by the people you follow, you will want to visit and participate in the discussion. Always remember to be polite and ask question whenever you need to. This is a great way to start a conversation with people who you may not have ever had the chance to meet or work with in real life. Making good contacts with these professionals will help you find out information about job leads and can even recommend you for a position with their company.
  • Create a website or blog- In a previous article, we talked about how to create your own blog and establish yourself as an expert in some aspect of your field. Connecting with other bloggers and networking with them through social media, you will increase the amount of professionals in your network.
  • Remove any digital dirt you have online- It is important to get rid of anything that has been posted online by you or about you that you don't want an employer to see. The internet is open to the public, and you can be sure that any prospective employer is going to do a web search about you.
  • Ask your network for job leads- After you have built a professional network, be sure to ask, by way of a post, for any job leads or recommendations. Keep your network updated regularly about the status of your job search. You may ask today and no one has any new information, but by updating regularly, they will keep you in mind when they hear about something that may be useful.
The internet is how business is done these days. More and more people are finding job openings and getting recommendations through their professional networks. It is like the old saying goes, “It's not what you know, but who you know.” These days, it is more like, “It's not who you know, but who knows you.” So get connected and start making new professional contacts. Good luck!

Have you found a job using social media or know someone who has? Let me know in the comments.

Are you looking for a job in Manufacturing? Take a look at ManufacturingWorkers.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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