Finding Your Dream Job in 30 Days

John Krautzel
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In a competitive job market, it takes some candidates months and sometimes years to find the right position. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the amount of time it takes to get your dream job. If you are ready to start a new job search, getting organized and developing a targeted plan can help you find a job faster than ever before. Follow these tips to land your ideal position in approximately 30 days.

The first five days of your job search should be dedicated to refreshing your resume and making sure potential employers can find you. Update your resume to ensure it has the most relevant work experience and skills. If you have been out of work for several months, volunteer for a nonprofit organization to keep your skills fresh or learn new ones.

The second week of your job search is all about networking. If your social media profiles have an outdated photo, have a friend take a new one with a high-quality camera. Start letting people in your network know you are looking for a job. Send tweets, reach out to LinkedIn connections or post a request for job leads on your Facebook page. If you don't have any business cards currently, order some now to have them readily available.

You should dedicate two days to getting help from other people. First, ask your professional contacts if they would be willing to serve as references. Try to find several people who can offer different views about your skills and experience. At some point during your job search, visit a career counselor or career center for help polishing your cover letter and resume as well as with preparing for interviews.

The next step of your job search involves putting your network to use and identifying job opportunities in your area. Activate your network by making cold calls, asking friends and family members for leads, joining a professional organization or setting up informational interviews with people in your industry. Find the listings for your potential dream job by conducting your search in several places. Don't limit yourself to the advertisements in the newspaper. Attend job fairs, use career websites and look for postings on local bulletin boards.

Finally, conclude your job search by attending interviews and following up with hiring managers. If your wardrobe needs an update, invest in a new suit or work-appropriate outfit. Prepare for interviews ahead of time to be sure you make a good impression. Follow up with interviewers by sending thank-you notes, and respond to any offers in a timely manner.

Searching for a job isn't necessarily easy, but there are things you can do to improve your chances of getting the position you want. Use these tactics to shorten your job search and ensure you find a role that matches your skills and personality.

Photo courtesy of xedos4 at



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  • Evelyn B.
    Evelyn B.

    Great suggestions

  • joyce johnson
    joyce johnson

    Very helpful since I am joining the job search after loosing my job of 35 years . Things are different

  • Edgar  D.
    Edgar D.

    Very useful these words.

  • Randy M.
    Randy M.

    My dream job is to flip a terrestrial FM radio station in the Las Vegas radio market to the Adult Album Alternative format. If anyone reading this is willing to help me do that let me know. Thanks!

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