Networking Within Your Organization is Important For Career Success

Julie Shenkman
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It’s true that networking outside your company (such as finding a new job, establishing business relationships or making new friends) is important for your career. At the same time, it’s also very important for you to network within your organization.

Networking within your organization can help you build important relationships to stand out, receive a promotion or excel in your role. You should make an effort to network with other employees in your organization.

Join a Committee

A great way to meet others in your organization is to join a committee. These groups usually include employees from various departments. It is important that you get to know employees outside your department.

When the company or your supervisor solicits employees for volunteering on a committee, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity. You don’t need to volunteer for every committee. Just pick one that makes sense for you and one you feel you can contribute to in a positive way.

The committee you decide to join doesn’t just have to be focused on internal company strategy. It could be to plan company events or raise money for a charity. Take this as opportunity to have fun with other employees and to do something that’s not specific to your job.

Working on a committee is a great way to build relationships because you are helping and working with other like-minded individuals. The relationships you build will also be valuable outside your organization. For example, if a committee member leaves your company, you will have a new contact outside your organization.

When a company is going through layoffs, your job may be spared if you’re involved in a committee because it shows your dedication and importance to the company in other ways than just your immediate job. You need to find ways to stand out and make yourself valuable within your organization.

Attend Company Events

Another great way to meet others in your organization is by attending your firm’s events (such as holiday parties, birthday celebrations or conferences). You need to give yourself the opportunity to meet other people. Make sure that you attend some of these events.

The more you attend these events, the more you will see some of the same people. This is helpful for building relationships. Make sure to introduce yourself to other employees and let them know about your skills and the work you’re doing for the company.

By building these relationships, you may come across new employment opportunities in different departments. It’s OK to express an interest in another role within the company when talking with other employees outside your department.

These discussions may prompt an employee to tell you about a new job opening (either immediately or when an opportunity becomes available). Networking to find jobs works effective both within and outside your company.

You may also be able to meet some of the top decision makers in your organization by staying visible at company events. Over time, you may start to bond with these individuals and be able to approach them with ideas for the organization. Again, when layoffs are happening, you may be spared because of these relationships.

Help Others, Be a Team Player

While you’re probably busy every day with your own work, it’s still important for you to become a team player and help your departmental co-workers whenever you can. By offering to help, your co-workers will appreciate your gesture and they will at some point extend their help to you.

With a willingness to help others, you will be showing your co-workers the type of person you are and they will remember you positively. When any of them leave the company, these relationships will be important because they will probably help you with your job search.

If you have the time and desire, offer to help co-workers outside your department. You’ll build some new relationships and broaden your skills within the company. Of course, make sure that this new work doesn’t interfere with your job responsibilities. You may have to do some of this work during your free time on evenings or weekends.

Again, if your company is going through layoffs, you may be seen as more valuable because you’re doing work outside of your department.

Final Thought

Remember that networking with other employees within your organization is another important piece of building relationships. These relationships will be important not only while you are working at the same company but also throughout your career as you move from employer to employer. Make the extra effort to continuously network with people no matter how you meet them.

Jason Jacobsohn is a seasoned networker who believes in relationship building as a key component to business success. He enjoys helping others succeed by making introductions, planning events, and sharing resources. In addition, Jacobsohn enthusiastically shares resources with his network through his e-mail newsletter, “Network Your Way to Success,” and, a comprehensive business and networking resources Web site. Further, he shares an additional perspective through his blog at

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