Preparing for a management interview

Nancy Anderson
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Interviewing for jobs in management encompasses all the types of interviews and questions most people can anticipate. Then there is an additional layer of questioning that will delve into your management style. It is imperative for your potential employer to learn what kind of boss, as well as what kind of employee, you will be.

The line of questioning that will assess your leadership skills and what you can accomplish as a manager can be intense. Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare for a management interview.

1. You know people
As a manager, you are effective because you can identify people’s strengths and weaknesses. You manage people by capitalizing on their strengths and positive personality traits and also by giving them challenges that will provide opportunities to grow and improve.

2. You are a great communicator
You are able to get your message across effectively with all personality types. You know how to reach out to people interpersonally, electronically and in a group setting. Your staff will always know what is expected of them and you are always open to communication from them.

3. Are you a strong delegator?
This question has to be handled carefully. You are willing and able to delegate effectively but you also understand what your own responsibilities are. All savvy leaders delegate, but are careful about what to delegate to who, and when. People have to be prepared for the responsibility. And a good leader takes on their share of unpleasant or difficult tasks.

4. When production is low, you step up
You communicate your expectations to your staff. When you are certain that everyone knows what is expected of them and production is still low, you examine your business goal and make sure it is appropriate. Then, you look at your process and determine what can be improved. Low production is not the fault of any one, or even severa,l staff members. It is always a joint responsibility.

5. Define leadership
This question is a wide open opportunity to sell yourself as the best leader in the world. Regardless of your philosophical take on leadership, make the answer brief, but meaningful. Really take the time to think about this question before your interview and make sure it resonates with you. You want to come across as genuine and professional. Distinguish between qualities of a leader and qualities of a manager to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concept. Leaders are more visionary while managers focus on implementing on that vision. You are both of these.

By Becky Papp

Becky Papp has been a professional writer for 20 years, working for newspapers, magazines and corporate communications. She currently contracts for clients all over the world, writing online and print articles, newsletters, blogs, and e-books. She resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

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