The Top 5 Contacts You Need In Your Network

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We all know the importance of having a supportive professional network, and with the popularity of social networking sites like Linkedin, it is easier than ever to grow your network. The problem is, that while you want to make your network large, it isn't just the quantity that matters, it's the quality. There will always be people in your network who you may not know much about, but they are still a quality contact. When evaluating your network, there are several key contacts that you want to be sure are in your network.

Here are the top 5 contacts you should have in your social network-

  1. A mentor- Someone who would fit in this category would be a person in your field who has achieved a degree of success that you are aiming for. They are the person to whom you ask for career advice and whose opinions you value. No matter what your goals are, having a mentor can be invaluable.

  2. An insider in your field- This is the person that always seems to know the buzz about what is going on in your industry. Typically, they are someone who you know can always tell you what the next big thing is going to be. This contact is an amazing source of information and can tip you off to things that you should look into.

  3. A partner- This contact is someone who is in a similar career situation as you. They have goals and dreams, but at the present are on about the same rung of the career ladder as you are. Having a partner gives you someone to compete with and is, for the most part, a peer.

  4. A well connected friend- Everyone knows that guy that knows everyone, and that is the person you want in your network. Having someone in your network who is well connected with others in your industry can help you increase your network and is an amazing source of referrals and contacts.

  5. An idol- It doesn't hurt to keep your eyes on your dreams, and that is exactly who this person is. They are someone who you admire and want to be like in the future. They may not be someone you know personally, but they give you fuel for your dreams, and by paying attention to what they are doing, you can get some ideas about changing the way that you do things. They didn't get to be where they are without doing things right, so take notes.

Of course, you aren't going to have just 5 contacts, but make sure that you have these people in there somewhere. The key is to build a network is to connect with people from different industries, age groups and backgrounds. Building a well connected, diverse network is important for long term success, so take a look at your network and see where you may need to add new contacts.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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